
Showing posts from July, 2019

Let's All Use Package Managers

I'm a member of a lot of the ham-radio-related technology mailing lists and groups.  From the huge number of emails I get on a daily basis, I see what is a typical ham radio pattern -- the old-timers are doing things the way they did it back in the day.  While my usual reaction is something along the lines of "Ok...whatever, dude.", there is a line.  As an IT person (I build large data centers for a living), the one that drives me batty is seeing users compile software from source. I would never name any names, of course, but it's obvious that these users did some coding stuff before they retired.  In 2003, compiling your code was the way to do things.  You would hear about some code you wanted to run, find the website, download the .tar.gz file, unzip it, then compile it.    You also hoped that the author of the code developed a Makefile so you could just "make" the software (that is, run "make install").  This was the way we installed code on...