
An ADS-B Receiver That's as Independent as Possible

Just note that I am not a pilot. I'm a radio guy who listens in on random things, including airplanes that fly overhead. ADS-B Background Traditionally, radar was used to track flights, but that has some problems. First, radar could only see so much and so far. If you were behind a mountain or out of range, no one could see you. Even if you could be seen by radar, only ATC would know where you were; the rest of the pilots in the sky had to rely on information from ATC and their own eyeballs to make sure there weren't any other aircraft in the area. Enter ADS-B. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a system used by aircraft to transmit pertinent information like location in real-time as well as providing weather and other information for pilots. With an appropriate transponder onboard, aircraft continually send out their registration, serial number, and ICAO address along with their position, altitude, and speed. With the addition of ground-based transceivers (...

Let's All Use Package Managers

I'm a member of a lot of the ham-radio-related technology mailing lists and groups.  From the huge number of emails I get on a daily basis, I see what is a typical ham radio pattern -- the old-timers are doing things the way they did it back in the day.  While my usual reaction is something along the lines of "Ok...whatever, dude.", there is a line.  As an IT person (I build large data centers for a living), the one that drives me batty is seeing users compile software from source. I would never name any names, of course, but it's obvious that these users did some coding stuff before they retired.  In 2003, compiling your code was the way to do things.  You would hear about some code you wanted to run, find the website, download the .tar.gz file, unzip it, then compile it.    You also hoped that the author of the code developed a Makefile so you could just "make" the software (that is, run "make install").  This was the way we installed code on...

My GitHub Repo

I've been doing a LOT of work with Raspberry Pis running Direwolf as a software TNC in various configurations.  Most of my work so far has been limited to APRS and Winlink, and I'm keeping it all in a GitHub repository.  Check out the repo with the link here.